
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 33 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Buat-Ménard, P.; Arnold, M. The Heavy Metal Chemistry of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Emitted by Mount Etna Volcano
Standort: VG 094

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, calculation, chemical composition, enrichment factor, plume, trace element concentration, volatilization, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Buat-Ménard, Patrick; Duce, Robert Precipitation scavenging of aerosol particles over remote marine regions
Standort: VG 128

Schlagworte: aerosol, atmospheric particles, chemistry, deposits, marine environment, particle size, scavenging

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VG Sachbuch

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Bunch, T. E.; Stöffler, Dieter The Kelly Chondrite: A Parent Body Surface Metabreccia
Standort: VM 018

Schlagworte: Kelly, LL chondrite, chondrite, final accumulation phase, metabreccia, microprobe studies, monomict breccia, olivine, parent body, particle size distribution, petrographical analysis, plagioclase

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VM Sachbuch

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Cadle, Richard D. A Comparison of Volcanic With Other Fluxes of Atmospheric Trace Gas Constituents
Standort: VG 110

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, composition, emission, estimate, flux, gases, measurements, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Clayton, Donald D. Chemical Energy in Cold-Cloud Aggregates: The Origin of Meteoritic Chondrules
Standort: VM 045

Schlagworte: chemical energy, chondritic meteorite, cloud aggregate, cold, cooling, crystalline chondrules, exothermal chemical reaction, interstellar particle, meteoritic chondrules, origin, theoretical considerations

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VM Sachbuch

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Crowe, Bruce M.; Finnegan, David L. Trace Element Geochemistry of Volcanic Gases and Particles From 1983- 1984 Eruptive Episodes of Kilauea Volcano
Standort: VG 119

Schlagworte: INAA, aircraft samples, calculation, element composition, enrichment factor, gases, metal particles, volatiles, volcanic material, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Durrani, S. A. Ivory Coast Microtektites: Fission Track Age and Geomagnetic Reversals
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 232, No. 5309, pp. 320-323, July 30, 1971
Standort: VI 324

Schlagworte: geomagnetic reversal, glassy particle, measurements, oceans adjacent

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VI Sonstiges

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Farlow, Neil H.; Oberbeck, Verne R. Size Distributions and Mineralogy of Ash Particles in the Stratosphere from Eruptions of Mount St. Helens
Standort: VG 168

Schlagworte: aircraft samples, atmospheric particles, mineralogy, particle size, size distribution, stratosphere, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Fegley Jr., Bruce; Kong, Derrick Lunar Volcanic Gases: Further Thermodynamic Modeling Results for the Transport of Trace Metals and Volatile Elements
Standort: VP 060

Schlagworte: chemistry, gases, metal particles, model, moon, thermodynamics, transport, volatiles, volcanism

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VP Sachbuch

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Phelan Kotra, Janet; Finnegan, Davi El Chichón: Composition of Plume Gases and Particles
Standort: VG 098

Schlagworte: NAA, atmospheric particles, data, enrichment factor, estimate, measurements, sulfur, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Phelan, Janet M.; Finnegan, David L Airborne Aerosol Measurements in the Quiescent Plume of Mount St. Helens: September, 1980
Standort: VG 096

Schlagworte: NAA, atmospheric particles, data, enrichment factor, estimate, flux, plume, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Kerridge, John F. A Constraint on Impact Theories of Chondrule Formation
Standort: VM 043

Schlagworte: agglutinates, chondrules, formation, geochemical analysis, howardite, impact melt, impact theory, jet, laboratory study, lunar sample, nebula, particle, particle collision, primitive chondrite, to

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VM Sachbuch

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Kieffer, Susan Werner Droplet Chondrules
Jetting on high-velocity collision of small meteoritic particles may have produced droplet chondrules
Standort: VM 009

Schlagworte: Coconino Sandstone, chondritic meteorite, droplet chondrule, high, jet, melt generation, meteorite, meteoritic inclusion, model, origin, parent impact, particle, particle collision, shock process, size of impacting bodies, small particles, to, velocity collision

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VM Sachbuch

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Lange, Manfred A. ; Ahrens, Thomas Shock-induced CO2 loss from CaCO3; implications for early planetary atmospheres
Standort: VI 043

Schlagworte: CO2 loss, CaCO3, SEM analysis, Thermogravimetric analysis, carbonate, ejection, experiments, quenched particle melt, shock pressure

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VI Sachbuch

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Lantzy, Ronald J.; Mackenzie, Fred Atmospheric trace metals: global cycles and assessment of man's impact
Standort: VG 109

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, emission, enrichment factor, flux, mathematical calculation, metal particles, model, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Lepel, E. A.; Stefansson, K. M.; Zo The Enrichment of Volatile Elements in the Atmosphere by Volcanic Activity: Augustine Volcano 1976
Standort: VG 095

Schlagworte: NAA, aerosol, atmospheric particles, chemical composition, data, enrichment factor, plume, trace element concentration, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Levasseur-Regourd, Anny-Chantal Cometary Dust Unveiled
Standort: VM 048

Schlagworte: Comet 81P, Stardust, Wild 2, cometary nuclei, dust analysis, dust distribution, organic material, particle size

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VM Sachbuch

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Linton, R. W.; Loh, A.; Natusch, D. Surface Predominance of Trace Elements in Airborne Particles
Standort: VG 108

Schlagworte: atmospheric particles, combustion, geochemical analysis, high temperature, particle size, trace element concentration, volatilization

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VG Sachbuch

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Naughton, J. J.; Lewis, V.; Thomas, Fume Compositions Found at Various Stages of Activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Standort: VG 124

Schlagworte: abundance, composition, concentration gradient, gases, geochemical analysis, small particles, sulfur, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Olinger, Chad T.; Maurette, Michel; Neon measurements of individual Greenland sediment particles: proof of an extraterrestrial origin and comparison with ED
Standort: VM 036

Schlagworte: Greenland ice sheet, Ne, geochemical analysis, isotopic composition, micrometeorite, morphological signature, noble gas, origin of particles, parent body, sediment

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VM Sachbuch

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Palme, Herbert; Wlotzka, Frank A Metal Particle from a Ca,Al-rich Inclusion from the Meteorite Allende and the Condensation of Refractory Siderophile E
Standort: VM 010

Schlagworte: Allende meteorite, condensation calculation, enrichment factor, geophysical observation, high temperature condensate, inclusion, magnetic separation, metal condensation, microprobe studies, origin of metal particle, refractory siderophile element, silicate, sulfide phase

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VM Sachbuch

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Pennisi, M.; Le Cloarec, M. F.; Lam Fractionation of metals in volcanic emissions
Standort: VG 131

Schlagworte: element concentration, enrichment factor, formation, fractionation, gases, metal particles, volatiles, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Sauerer, A.; Troll, G.; Matthies, D Microdistribution of boron: particle-track images from samples of a Caledonian igneous complex
Standort: VG 071

Schlagworte: Caledonian, boron, chemical composition, distribution, igneous rock, microscopic analysis, olivine, particle, track image

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VG Sachbuch

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Scarlett, B.; Buxton, R. E. Particle Size Distribution of Spherical Particles in Apollo 12 Samples
Standort: VP 002

Schlagworte: Apollo 12, Apollo samples, atomisation process, electron microprobe analysis, formation condition, glassy particle, physical analysis, size distribution, spherical particle

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VP Sachbuch

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Struve, Otto Cosmic Dust
From: Sky and Telescope, October 1954
Standort: VP 172

Schlagworte: international astrophysical symposium, interplanetary dust, interstellar space, nebula, particle size, solid particles, zodiacal light

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