
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 16 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Allègre, C. J. Chemical Geology. Official Journal of the European Association for Geochemistry
Standort: VG 201

Schlagworte: Deccan flood basalt, K, T boundary, abstracts, atmosphere, extraterrestrial material, geochemistry, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Alvarez, Luis W.; Alvarez, Walter; Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction
Experimental results and theoretical interpretation
Standort: VI 193

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, asteroid impact, element concentration, environmental effect, extinction, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, group elements, marine sediments, platinum

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VI Sachbuch

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Blanford, George E. The nitty-gritty of interplanetary dust
Standort: VM 026

Schlagworte: Halley comet, Lunar and Planetary Science conference, cosmic dust session, discussion items, extraterrestrial material, interplanetary dust, micrometeorite, research results, summary, terrestrial sample

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VM Sachbuch

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Bohor, B. F.; Foord, E. E.; Modresk Extraterrestrially-Derived Magnesioferrite at the K-T Boundary, Caravaca, Spain
Standort: VG 040

Schlagworte: Caravaca, K, SEM analysis, T boundary, electron microprobe analysis, element composition, evolution, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, magnesioferrite

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VG Sachbuch

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Brooks, Robert R.; Reeves, Roger D. Elemental Anomalies at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary, Woodside Creek, New Zealand
Standort: VI 200

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, element concentration, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, iridium anomaly, siderophile elements

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VI Sachbuch

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Chapman, Dean R.; Scheiber, Leroy C Chemical Investigation of Australasian Tektites
Standort: VG 025

Schlagworte: Australasian tektite, Ivory Coast tektite, chemical analysis, chemical composition, chemical differences, earth igneous rock, experiments, extraterrestrial material, geophysical studies, parent body

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
DePaolo, D. J.; Kyte, F. T.; Marsha Rb-Sr. Sm-Nd, K-Ca, O, and H isotopic study of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments, Caravaca, Spain: evidence for an
Standort: VI 195

Schlagworte: Asteroid, K, REE, T boundary, clay layer, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, isotope ratio, oceanic impact, trace element concentration

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VI Sachbuch

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Kyte, Frank T.; Wasson, John T. Accretion Rate of Extraterrestrial Matter: Iridium Deposited 33 to 67 Million Years Ago
Standort: VI 206

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, K, T boundary, accumulation rate, clay layer, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis

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VI Sachbuch

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Kyte, Frank T.; Zhou, Zhiming; Wass Siderophile-enriched sediments from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
Standort: VI 192

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, element concentration, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, impact, iridium, sedimentary record, siderophile elements

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Nininger, H. H. Impactite Slag at Barringer Crater
Standort: VI 008

Schlagworte: Barringer Crater, Ni, calcium carbonate, content, dolomite, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, impactite, iron, lechatelierite, nickel, silica

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Ringwood, A. E. The Making of the Moon
Standort: VP 048

Schlagworte: accretion, evolution, giant impact model, hypothesis, impact, moon, planetesimal, terrestrial material

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VP Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Robin, E.; Boclet, D.; Bonté, Ph. The stratigraphic distribution of Ni-rich spinels in Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary rocks at El Kef (Tunisia), Caravaca (S
Standort: VG 045

Schlagworte: Caravaca, El Kef, K, Ni, T boundary, chemical processes, content, extraterrestrial material, spinel, stratigraphic distribution

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Robin, E.; Bonté, Ph.; Froget, L. Formation of spinels in cosmic objects during atmospheric entry: a clue to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary event
Standort: VM 076

Schlagworte: K, Ni, T boundary, atmosphere, chemical properties, composition, content, crystallization, extraterrestrial material, formation, iron oxidation, micrometeorite, oxygen fugacity, physical properties, spinel

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VM Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Schmitz, Birger Chalcophile elements and Ir in continental Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clays from the western interior of the USA
Standort: VI 222

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, clay layer, ejecta, element concentration, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, iridium anomaly

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Smit, J.; Romein, A. J. T. A sequence of events across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary
Standort: VI 201

Schlagworte: Deep Sea Drilling, K, T boundary, environmental effect, extinction, extraterrestrial material, fossil record, impact, microtektite, recovery

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Zhao, Meixun; Bada, Jeffrey L. Extraterrestrial amino acids in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments at Stevns Klint, Denmark
Standort: VI 151

Schlagworte: K, T boundary, extinction, extraterrestrial material, geochemical analysis, impact, iridium, sediment

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VI Sachbuch

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