
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 10 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Syste­matik Medium
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Devine, J. D.; Sigurdsson, H.; Davi Estimates of Sulfur and Chlorine Yield to the Atmosphere from Volcanic Eruptions and Potential Climatic Effects
Standort: VG 113

Schlagworte: chemical analysis, chlorine, climatic effects, electron microprobe analysis, eruptions, estimate, magma, sulfur, volatile release, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Dowty, Eric; Keil, Klaus; Prinz, Ma Major-Element Vapor Fractionation on the Lunar Surface: An Unusual Lithic Fragment from the Luna 20 Fines
Standort: VP 055

Schlagworte: composition, crystallization, fractionation, lithic fragment, lunar highland rock, lunar surface, origin, volatile release

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VP Sachbuch

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Gooding, James L.; Muenow, David W. Experimental Vaporization of the Holbrook Chondrite
Standort: VM 090

Schlagworte: chondrite, composition, evolution, experimental data, heating, hypothesis, pressure, vaporization, volatile release

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VM Sachbuch

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Holland, H. D. Degassing of the Earth
Standort: VG 126

Schlagworte: Earth, MOR, analysis, basaltic glass, degassing, estimate, volatile release

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VG Sachbuch

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Kieffer, Susan Werner From Regolith to Rock by Shock
Standort: VI 080

Schlagworte: Hugoniot, Meteor Crater, experimental shocks, field observations, lithification, missile impact, model, petrography, regolith, theoretical calculation, volatile release

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VI Sachbuch

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Rampino, Michael R.; Self, Stephen Volcanic Winters
Standort: VG 087

Schlagworte: aerosol cloud, climate, cometary winter, cooling, eruptions, solar radiation, sulfur, volatile release, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Stix, John; Zapata G., José Arles; A model of degassing at Galeras Volcano, Colombia, 1988-1993
Standort: VG 121

Schlagworte: SO2, analysis, degassing, element contents, flux, glass, magma, model, petrology, volatile release, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Tyburczy, James A.; Ahrens, Thomas Dynamic Compression and Volatile Realease of Carbonates
Standort: VI 042

Schlagworte: Hugoniot, calculation, carbonate, devolatilization, dynamic compression, measurements, particle velocity, polycrystalline calcite, porous calcite, release paths, volatile release

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VI Sachbuch

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Wlotzka, F. On the Formation of Chondrules and Metal Particles by "Shock Melting"
Standort: VM 040

Schlagworte: Ramsdorf, chondrules, experiments, formation, geochemical analysis, metal particles, meteorite, shock melting, silicate structure, volatile release

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VM Sachbuch

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Zoller, William H.; Parrington, Jos Iridium Enrichment in Airborne Particles from Kilauea Volcano: January 1983
Standort: VG 097

Schlagworte: Ir concentration, K, T boundary, atmospheric particles, element composition, magma, volatile release, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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