
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 3 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Kerridge, John F. A Constraint on Impact Theories of Chondrule Formation
Standort: VM 043

Schlagworte: agglutinates, chondrules, formation, geochemical analysis, howardite, impact melt, impact theory, jet, laboratory study, lunar sample, nebula, particle, particle collision, primitive chondrite, to

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VM Sachbuch

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Taylor, G. J. ; Wentworth, S.; Warn Agglutinates as recorders of fossil soil compositions
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th
Standort: VP 160

Schlagworte: Apollo 17, Camelot, Central Cluster Crater, agglutinates, bulk soil, drill core, mare basalt, petrology, regolith

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VP Sonstiges

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Taylor, G. J. ; Wentworth, S.; Warn Petrology of Apollo 17 Deep Grill Core. II. Agglutinates as Recorders of Fossil Soil Compositions
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX
Standort: VM 106

Schlagworte: agglutinates, cratering events, impact, layers, mare basalt, regolith

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VM Sonstiges

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