
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 13 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Brett, Robin; Keil, Klaus Enstatite chondrites and enstatite achondrites (aubrites) were not derived from the same parent body
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 81
Standort: VM 122

Schlagworte: breccia, clasts, enstatite chondrite, fractionation, melting, regolith, siderophile elements, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Dickinson, T.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Apollo 14 Aluminous Mare Basalts and Their Link to KREEP
Standort: VP 173

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, KREEP, REE, aluminous mare basalt, breccia 14321, clasts, distinct rock groups, mare basalt, mineral composition, olivine phenocryst, petrographic characteristics, plagioclase, pyroxene

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VP Sonstiges

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Floran, R. J.; Prinz, Martin; Hlava Mineralogy, petrology, and trace element geochemistry of the Johnstown meteorite: a brecciated orthopyroxenite with side
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol 45
Standort: VM 160

Schlagworte: bulk meteorite, clasts, cumulate origin, monomict breccia, polymict

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne; Taylor, G. J Alkali Norite, Troctolites, and VHK Mare Basalts from Breccia 14304
Standort: VP 096

Schlagworte: KREEP, Lithologie, analytical procedures, clasts, pristine clast

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VP Sonstiges

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Keil, K.; Eberhardt, P.; Lugmair, G Search for Pieces of the Ancient Lunar Crust: A Study of Clasts in Rock 67915
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX, LPI, Houston, Texas
Standort: VM 103

Schlagworte: Apollo 16 and 17, basalt, breccia, clasts, gas, olivine, shocked crystals, temperature

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VM Sonstiges

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McCormick, K. A. ; Taylor, G. J. ; Sources of Clasts in Terrestrial Impact Melts: Clues to the Origin of LKFM
Standort: VI 061

Schlagworte: Fra Mauro basalt, LKFM origin, Mistastin Lake Crater, clasts, composition, electron microprobe analysis, feldspar, geochemical analysis, impact melt, impact melt rock, lunar rock, target material

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VI Sachbuch

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Milton, D. J. Qal'eh Hasan Ali Maars, Central Iran
Reprinted from Bulletin Volcanologique, Vol. 40
Standort: VI 380

Schlagworte: clasts, crater, crater rim, hauyne, olivine, pyroclastic debris, volcanism

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VI Sonstiges

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Robertson, P. B.; Sweeney, J. F. Houghton impact structure: structural and morphological aspects
reprinted from Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 20, Number 7, 1983
Standort: VI 399

Schlagworte: Haughton, Ries, breccia, clasts

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VI Sonstiges

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Robertson, P. Blyth; Plant, A. G. Shock Metamorphism in Sillimanite from the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Cananda
Contibutions Mineral Petrol (1981) 78:12-20
Standort: VI 391

Schlagworte: X, breccia, clasts, potassium, ray investigation, shock metamorphism, shock pressure

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VI Sonstiges

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Rubin, Alan E.; Keil, Klaus Mineralogy and petrology of the Abee enstatie chondrite breccia and its dark inclusions
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 62
Standort: VM 418

Schlagworte: clasts, equilibration, metamorphism, recrystallization, shock process

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Scott, Edward R. D.; Lusby, David; Ubiquitous Brecciation After Metamorphism in Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
Proceedings of the sixteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Part 1, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90
Standort: VM 432

Schlagworte: breccia metamorphism, clasts, monomict, olivine, parent body, polymict

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Shervais, John W.; Knapp, Steven; T JSC Planetary Materials Branch
Breccia Guidebook No. 7. 14321 (Band Publication No. 69)
Houston (1984)
Standort: MP She 84

Schlagworte: clasts, dating, element composition, geochemical analysis, lunar sample, map, petrography, pictures, siderophile elements

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MP Sachbuch

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Warner, R. D.; Keil, K.; Taylor, G. Petrology of Recrystallized and Rocks from Apollo 17 Rake Samples
Reprints from Lunar and Planetary Science IX
Standort: VM 107

Schlagworte: clasts, crystal, grain size, mineral, shock features, soil breccia

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