
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 4 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Keil, Klaus; Ntaflos, Th.; Brearley The Shallowater aubrite: Evidence for origin by planetesimal impacts
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.53
Standort: VM 199

Schlagworte: asteroid, cooling, igneous origin, low, unbrecciated, velocity

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VM Sonstiges

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Kurat, Gero; Kracher, Alfred Basalts in the Lancé Carbonaceous Chondrite
Z. Naturforsch. 35a
Standort: VM 245

Schlagworte: basaltic parentage, enstatite, igneous origin, lithic fragment, mineral composition

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Mason, Brian Chemistry of the moon's surface
Reprinte from Chemistry in Britain Volume 9 Number 10 October 1973
Standort: VP 181

Schlagworte: igneous origin, mineral, moon, radiogenic isotope, surface, volcanic activity

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Michel-Lévy, Mireillle Christophe; A new calcium-aluminate from a refractory inclusion in the Leoville carbonaceous chondrite
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 61
Standort: VM 264

Schlagworte: CAI, igneous origin, melilite, volatile element

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