
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 43 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Boriani, Attilo; Origoni Giobbi, Ev Composition, Level of Intrusion and Age of the "Serie Dei Laghi" Orthogneisses (Northern Italy - Ticino, Switzerland)
Standort: VG 058

Schlagworte: Precambrian, Serie dei Laghi, Southern Alps, chemical composition, dating, evolution, intrusion, isochron analysis, metamorphism, orthogneiss, petrography

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VG Sachbuch

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Chao, E. C. T. Geologic Implications of the Apollo 14 Fra Mauro Breccias and Comparison with Ejecta from the Ries Crater, Germany
Standort: VR 053

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, Fra Mauro, Ries Crater, breccia, cratering mechanics, dating, ejecta, geology, laboratory study, moon, petrography, seismic observation

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VR Sachbuch

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Dence, M. R.; Douglas, J. A. V.; Pl Petrology, mineralogy and deformation of Apollo 11 samples
Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 315 to 340
Standort: VP 087

Schlagworte: Deformation, ilmenite, mineralogy, petrography, plagioclase, shock deformation

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VP Sonstiges

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Egorov, Leonid S. Carbonatites and ultrabasic-alkaline rocks of the Maimecha-Kotui region, N. Siberia
Standort: VG 140

Schlagworte: Siberia, carbonatite, chemical observations, formation, genetic interpretation, petro, petrography, position

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VG Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, W. v.; Arndt, J.; Fecke Suevite breccia from the Ries crater, Germany: Origin, cooling history and devitrification of impact glasses
Standort: VR 062

Schlagworte: Montmorillonite, Ries Crater, chemical composition, cooling history, devitrification, experiments, impact glass, laboratory study, matrix, morphology, origin, petrography, suevite breccia, vitreous suevite glass

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VR Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, Wolf von Chemical composition of Ries glass bombs
Standort: VR 046

Schlagworte: Flädle, Ries Crater, chemical analysis, composition, formation, glass bombs, glass types, impactite, moldavite, petrography, shock melting, shock metamorphism, suevite

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VR Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, Wolf von Distribution, petrography and shock metamorphism of the ejecta of the Ries crater in Germany - a review
Standort: VR 069

Schlagworte: Bunte Breccia, Megablock, Ries Crater, ballistic transport, distribution, ejecta, geophysical observation, moldavite, monomict breccia, petrography, polymict breccia, review, sedimentary rock, shock level, shock metamorphism, subsurface structure, suevite, tektite

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VR Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, Wolf von Some new results and suggestions on the origin of the Ries basin
Standort: VR 058

Schlagworte: Gneiss, Jurassic limestone, Ries, Steinheim, crystalline basement, drill hole Nördlingen 1973, ejecta, impact breccia, molasse sediments, morphology, petrography, planar deformation structure, preimpact structure, shock effects, thermolumiscence glow curve

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VR Sachbuch

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Fauré, Jean Recherches sur les effets géologiques d'explosions nucléaires souterraines dans un massif de granite saharien: Tome I
Nancy (1970)
Standort: MG Fau 70/1

Schlagworte: Sahara, geochemistry, geology, morphology, petrography, thesis

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MG Sachbuch

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Fredriksson, K.; Jarosewich, E.; Wl Study Butte: A Chaotic Chondrite Breccia with Normal H-Group Chemistry
Standort: VM 005

Schlagworte: H chondrite, bulk composition, chemical analysis, chondrules, complex structure, formation model, formational process, mineralogical analysis, multicomponent breccia, petrography

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VM Sachbuch

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Fredriksson, K.; Wlotzka, F. Morro do Rocio: An Unequilibrated H5 Chondrite
Standort: VM 022

Schlagworte: H5 chondrite, Morro do Rocio, anomaly, chemical composition, iron content, mineral composition, modal composition, olivine, petrography, silica

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VM Sachbuch

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French, Bevan M.; Short, Nicholas M Shock Metamorphism of Natural Materials
Mono Book Corp., Baltimore (1968)
Standort: MI Fre 68

Schlagworte: Ries, conference, cratering mechanics, ejecta, experimental data, geology, meteorite impact, petrography, proceedings, shock metamorphism, shock wave

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MI Sachbuch

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Fudali, R. F.; Cassidy, W. A. Gravity Reconnaissance at Three Mauritanian Craters of Explosive Origin
Standort: VI 018

Schlagworte: Mauritania, Tenoumer Crater, crater structure, drill core, explosive crater, geophysical observation, gravity survey, negative gravity anomaly, petrography, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P. Tektites
Standort: VI 301

Schlagworte: age, chemistry, occurrence, petrography, properties, strewn field, structure, tektite, terrestrial impact origin

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VI Sachbuch

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Henderson P. Developments in Geochemistry 2
Rare Earth Element Geochemistry
Elsevier, Amsterdam (1984)
Standort: MG Hen 84

Schlagworte: REE, geochemistry, igneous rock, meteorite, mineralogy, petrography, radiogenic isotope

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MG Sachbuch

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Jagoutz, E. Sr and Nd isotopic systematics in ALHA 77005: Age of shock metamorphism in shergottites and magmatic differentiation on
Standort: VM 071

Schlagworte: Mars, Nd isotope, Rb, SNC meteorite, Sr, Sr isotope, chemical evolution, chemistry, dating, fractionation, magmatism, meteorite, model, origin, orthocumulate, petrography, plagioclase, shock melting, shock metamorphism, source material, trace element

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VM Sachbuch

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Kanehira, Keiichiro; Yui, Shunzo; S Sulphide globules and sulphur isotope ratios in the abyssal tholeiite from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 30°N latitude
Standort: VG 081

Schlagworte: Atlantic Ridge, Mid, basaltic glass, composition, isotopic abundance, magma, petrography, silicate, sulphur

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VG Sachbuch

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Kieffer, Susan Werner From Regolith to Rock by Shock
Standort: VI 080

Schlagworte: Hugoniot, Meteor Crater, experimental shocks, field observations, lithification, missile impact, model, petrography, regolith, theoretical calculation, volatile release

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VI Sachbuch

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Kieffer, Susan Werner; Phakey, Prem Shock Processes in Porous Quartzite: Transmission Electron Microscope Observations and Theory
Standort: VI 027

Schlagworte: Coconino Sandstone, Meteor Crater, TEM analysis, classification, coesite, geophysical observation, high pressure, petrography, porous quartzite, shock process, shocked rock, stishovite, theoretical study

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VI Sachbuch

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Koeberl, Christian Geochemistry and origin of Muong Nong-type tektites
Standort: VG 021

Schlagworte: Archean sediment, Muong Nong, chemical composition, dating, element contents, element ratio, form tektite, geochemical analysis, large impact event, origin, petrography, post, shape, splash, structure, tektite

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VG Sachbuch

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Koeberl, Christian; Yanai, Keizo; C Investigation of Dust Bands from Blue Ice Fields in the Lewis Cliff (Beardmore) Area, Antarctica: A Progress Report
Standort: VG 100

Schlagworte: Antarctica, REE, chemical composition, dust analysis, glass, grain size, origin, petrography, trace element content, volcanism

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VG Sachbuch

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Lindström, Maurits; Dalwigk, Ilka v Stockholm Contributions in Geology
Geological Guide to the Lockne and Dellen Impact Structures (Band Vol. 44)
Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm (2002)
Standort: MI Lin 02

Schlagworte: Sweden, geology, impact structure, petrography, quarry, stratigraphy

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MI Sachbuch

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Loock, G.; Stosch, H.-G.; Seck, H. Granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from the Eifel, West Germany: petrological and geochemical aspects
Standort: VG 072

Schlagworte: Eifel, Nd, REE, Sm, clinopyroxenes, dating, evolution, geochemical analysis, granulite, isochron analysis, lower crust, model, petrography, petrology, plagioclase

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VG Sachbuch

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Murtaugh, J. C.; Currie, K. L. Preliminary Study of Manicouagan Structure
Québec (1969)
Standort: MI Mur 69

Schlagworte: Manicouagan, geochemical analysis, geology, origin, petrography, shock metamorphism, topography

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MI Sachbuch

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Nagy, Bartholomew; Andersen, Christ Electron Probe Microanalysis of some Carbonate, Sulfate and Phosphate Minerals in the Orgueil Meteorite
Reprinted from American Mineralogist, 49
Standort: VM 396

Schlagworte: breunnerite, gypsum, merrillite, petrography, two mirca

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VM Sonstiges

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