
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 30 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Bunch, T. E.; Cohen, Alvin J.; Denc Shock-Included Structural Disorder in Plagioclase and Quartz
Contributions from the Dominion Observatory Ottawa, Vol. 8, No.24, Reprinted from Shock Metamorphism of Natural Materials
Standort: MG Bun 68

Schlagworte: Ries crater, annealing, high pressure, hypervelocity, maskelynite, nuclear crater ejecta, plagioclase

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MG Sonstiges

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Bunch, T. E.; Dence, M. R.; Cohen, Natural Terrestrial Maskelynite
Contributions from the Dominion Observatory Ottawa, Vol. 7, No. 25
Standort: VI 321

Schlagworte: Manicouagan, maskelynite, meteorite, plagioclase

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VI Sonstiges

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Bunch, T. E.; Stöffler, Dieter The Kelly Chondrite: A Parent Body Surface Metabreccia
Standort: VM 018

Schlagworte: Kelly, LL chondrite, chondrite, final accumulation phase, metabreccia, microprobe studies, monomict breccia, olivine, parent body, particle size distribution, petrographical analysis, plagioclase

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VM Sachbuch

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Carstens, Harald Thermal History of Impact Melt Rocks in the Fennoscandian Shield
Standort: VI 269

Schlagworte: crystallization, devitrification, impact melt, plagioclase, quartz, shocked rock, supercooling

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VI Sachbuch

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Chao, E. C. T. Shock Effects in Certain Rock-Forming Minerals
Hypervelocity impacts by meteorites are reflected by the effects of shock and temperature on minerals.
Standort: VI 103

Schlagworte: accessory mineral, experiments, forming mineral, geophysical observation, impact metamorphism, mafic mineral, optical observation, plagioclase, quartz, refractory mineral, rock, shock effects

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VI Sachbuch

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Dence, M. R.; Douglas, J. A. V.; Pl Petrology, mineralogy and deformation of Apollo 11 samples
Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 315 to 340
Standort: VP 087

Schlagworte: Deformation, ilmenite, mineralogy, petrography, plagioclase, shock deformation

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VP Sonstiges

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Dickinson, T.; Taylor, G. J. ; Keil Apollo 14 Aluminous Mare Basalts and Their Link to KREEP
Standort: VP 173

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, KREEP, REE, aluminous mare basalt, breccia 14321, clasts, distinct rock groups, mare basalt, mineral composition, olivine phenocryst, petrographic characteristics, plagioclase, pyroxene

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Dowty, Eric; Green, Jonathan A.; Hl UNM Institute of Meteoritics
Electron Microprobe Analyses of Minerals from Apollo 16 Rake Samples (Band Special Publication Number 14 (1976))
Albuquerque (1976)
Standort: MP IM 76/14

Schlagworte: Zircon, armalcolite, ilmenite, iron, lunar sample, mineralogy, nickel, olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, spinel, tables

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MP Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, W. von; Stengelin, R. Chemical changes at impact-induced phase transitions on the lunar surface
Standort: VP 036

Schlagworte: chemical composition, condensation, glass, impact, lunar surface, metamorphism, phase transition, plagioclase, regolith, shock melting, vaporization

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VP Sachbuch

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Engelhardt, Wolf v. Ilmenite in the crystallization sequence of lunar rocks
Standort: VP 038

Schlagworte: chemical composition, crystallization, genetic relationship, ilmenite, lunar rock, microscopic analysis, petrology, physical properties, plagioclase, pyroxene

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VP Sachbuch

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Fredriksson, K.; De Carli, P. S.; A Shock-included veins in chondrites
Standort: VM 140

Schlagworte: black veins, high pressure, meteorite, olivine, plagioclase, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne; Taylor, G. J An apatite-rich lithology from lunar meteorite ALHA81005 - an example of magma mixing?
Standort: VP 175

Schlagworte: ferroan anorthosites, olivine, plagioclase, pristine, pyroxene, rock

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VP Sonstiges

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Goodrich, Cyrena Anne; Taylor, G. J Petrology and chemistry of hyper-ferroan anorthosite and other clasts from lunar meteorite ALHA81005
Standort: VP 176

Schlagworte: bulk 81005, catalastic anorthositic norite, chemical studies, grained granular, impact melt, lunar meteorite, petrographic studies, plagioclase, polymict breccia, pristine

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Heimlich, Richard A. Reconnaissance Petrology of Precambrian Rocks in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Standort: VG 048

Schlagworte: Amphibolite, Bighorn Mountains, Gneiss, Precambrian, geologic map, geological studies, granitic rocks, lithology, metamorphosed rocks, plagioclase, quartz

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VG Sachbuch

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Hopson, R. Forrest; Ramseyer, Karl Cathodoluminescence microscopy of myrmekite
Standort: VG 073

Schlagworte: K, Rubidoux Mountain, SEM analysis, cathodoluminescence, chemical composition, crystallization, electron microprobe analysis, feldspar, leucogranite, myrmekite, origin, plagioclase

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VG Sachbuch

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Jagoutz, E. Sr and Nd isotopic systematics in ALHA 77005: Age of shock metamorphism in shergottites and magmatic differentiation on
Standort: VM 071

Schlagworte: Mars, Nd isotope, Rb, SNC meteorite, Sr, Sr isotope, chemical evolution, chemistry, dating, fractionation, magmatism, meteorite, model, origin, orthocumulate, petrography, plagioclase, shock melting, shock metamorphism, source material, trace element

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VM Sachbuch

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Loock, G.; Stosch, H.-G.; Seck, H. Granulite facies lower crustal xenoliths from the Eifel, West Germany: petrological and geochemical aspects
Standort: VG 072

Schlagworte: Eifel, Nd, REE, Sm, clinopyroxenes, dating, evolution, geochemical analysis, granulite, isochron analysis, lower crust, model, petrography, petrology, plagioclase

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Ma, M. -S.; Schmitt, R. A. Chemical and petrographic studies of 18 Luna 24 lithic fragments
Reprinted from "Conference on Luna 24". Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 304, 102-105, 1977
Houston (1977)
Standort: VP 134

Schlagworte: basalt, core sample, element abundance, major element, minor element, mixed mineral fragments, plagioclase, pyroxene, trace element

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VP Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian; Jarosewich, E. J. 'THe Winona meteorite
Reprinted from Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 31
Standort: VM 277

Schlagworte: enstatite, iron, nickel, olivine, plagioclase, troilite

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VM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian; Maynes, A. D. 'The Composition of the Allegan, Bur-Gheluai, and Cynthiana meteorites
Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Volume 124, Number 3624
Standort: VM 287

Schlagworte: chemical analysis, mineralogical composition, olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene

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VM Sonstiges

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Mason, Brian; Wiik, H. B. 'The Miller, Arkansas, chondrite
Reprinted from Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 21
Standort: VM 281

Schlagworte: density, iron, mineral composition, nickel, olivine, orthopyroxene, plagioclase

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VM Sonstiges

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McKinley, James P.; Taylor, G. Jeff Apollo 16: Impact Melt Sheets, Contrasting Nature of the Cayley Plains and Descartes Mountains, and Geologic History
Proceedings of the fourteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Part 2, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 89, Supplement, pages B513- B524, February 15, 1984
Standort: VI 386

Schlagworte: INAA, breccia, lithology, olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, rake sample, soil composition

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VI Sonstiges

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Rubin, Alan E.; Taylor, G. Jeffrey; The Correo and Suwanee Spring Meteorites: Two New Ordinary Chondrite Finds
Meteoritics, Vol. 16, No. 1
Standort: VM 422

Schlagworte: L5, chondrules, major olivine, orthopyroxene, plagioclase, recrystallization, slow cooling

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Stöffler, D. Maskelynite confirmed as Diaplectic Glass: Indication for Peak Shock Pressures below 45 GPa in all Martian Meteorites
Standort: VM 057

Schlagworte: Mars, T, diaplectic glass, history, maskelynite, meteorite, p, peak pressure, physical properties, plagioclase, shock pressure, texture

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VM Sachbuch

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Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Keil, Klaus; Be The Shaw meteorite: history of a chondrite consisting of impact-melted and metamorphic lithologies
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 43
Standort: VM 475

Schlagworte: L, augite crystal, colored, dark, group, light, olivine, ordinary chondrite, plagioclase, shock brecciation, troilite

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