
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 7 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Bischoff, A.; Keil, K.; Stöffler, D Perovskite-Hibonite-Spinel-Bearing Inclusions and Al-rich Chondrules and Fragments in Enstatite Chondrite
Chem. Erde 44
Standort: VM 099

Schlagworte: Meteorite, formational process, refractory aggregates, solar nebula, volatile gas

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VM Sonstiges

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Kracher, Alfred; Scott, Edward R. D Relict and Other Anomalous Grains in Chondrules: Implications for Chondrules Formation
Prceedings of the 14. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Part 2, Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 89
Standort: VM 230

Schlagworte: carbonaceous chondrite, dusty olivine, origin, pyroxene, solar nebula

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VM Sonstiges

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Kurat, G.; Mayr, M.; Ntaflos, Th. Isolated olivines in the Yamato 82042 CM2 chondrite: The tracing of major condensation events in the solar nebula
Standort: VM 033

Schlagworte: CM 2 chondrite, Yamato 82042, carbonate, condensation, electron microprobe analysis, element contents, formation, olivine, phyllosilicate, solar nebula

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VM Sachbuch

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Minster, Jean-François; Allègre, Cl 87Rb-87Sr Chronology of H Chondrites: Constraint and Speculations on the Early Evolution of their Parent Body
Standort: VM 059

Schlagworte: 87Rb, 87Sr, H chondrite, Tieschitz, condensation, dating, geochemical analysis, isochron analysis, parent body, solar nebula, thermal evolution model

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VM Sachbuch

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Nuth, Joseph A. Meteoritic evidence that graphite is rare in the interstellar medium
Standort: VM 025

Schlagworte: carbonaceous material, graphite, interstellar dust, interstellar medium, meteorite, solar nebula, solar system

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VM Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Ringwood, A. E. Origin of the Earth and Moon
Springer, New York (1979)
Standort: MP Rin 79

Schlagworte: Earth, composition, genesis, geochemistry, moon, origin, planetology, solar nebula, solar system

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MP Sachbuch

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Taylor, G. J. ; Scott, E. R. D.; Ke Primitive nature of ordinary chondrite matri materials
Standort: VP 178

Schlagworte: Sulfide, bulk composition, chondrite, chondrules, metallic Fe, metallic Ni, opaque matrix, oxygen isotope, solar nebula, trace element

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VP Sonstiges

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