
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 30 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Sears, Derek W. G.; Symes, Steve; T The Lunar Devitrified Glass Spherules: Implications for the Origin of Meteoritic Chondrules
Standort: VM 037

Schlagworte: Apollo 14, DGS, abundance, classification, composition, devitrification, formation, glass spherules, lunar glass, lunar meteorite, meteoritic chondrules, moon, regolith breccia, size distribution, slow cooling

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VM Sachbuch

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Shaw, Denis M.; Dostal, Jaroslav; K Additional estimates of continental surface Precambrian shield composition in Canada
Standort: VG 288

Schlagworte: Precambrian, REE, abundance, chemical composition, continental crust, estimate, geochemical analysis, trace element

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VG Sachbuch

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Taylor, G. J. ; Warner, R.; Wentwor The Luna 24 Regolith: Lithologic Abundances in the 250-500 um Size Fraction, and Compositions of Agglutinates and Nonmar
Reprint from "Conference on Luna 24", Lunar Science Institute, Houston 304, 1977
Standort: VP 154

Schlagworte: abundance, coarse basalt, lithic fragment, nonamare lithic fragment

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VP Sonstiges

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Taylor, S. R.; Kaye, Maureen Genetic significance of the chemical composition of tektites: A review
Standort: VG 008

Schlagworte: abundance, chemical composition, genetic interpretation, geochemical analysis, impact glass, origin, parental material, review, tektite, terrestrial sandstone, trace element

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VG Sachbuch

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Wai, Chien M.; Wasson, John T. Nebular Condensation of Moderately Volatile Elements and their Abundances in Ordinary Chondrites
Standort: VM 089

Schlagworte: abundance, calculation, condensation, nebula, ordinary chondrites, temperature, volatiles

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VM Sachbuch

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