
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 22 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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American Associa ... Apollo 11.- Lunar Science Conference
Papers presented at the Lunar Science Conference held at Houston, Texas, from 5 to 8 January 1970
Washington, D.C. (1970)
Standort: MP AAAS 70

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, age, chemistry, isotopic composition, lunar sample, major element, mineralogy, physical properties, shock effects, trace element concentration

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MP Sachbuch

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Bell, Keith Carbonatites: Genesis and Evolution
Unwin Hyman, London (1989)
Standort: MG Bel 89

Schlagworte: Canada, Tanzania, carbonatite, distribution, extrusive carbonatite, geology, isotopic composition, magma, mineralogy, origin, trace element content

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MG Sachbuch

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Clayton, Donald D. Precondensed Matter: Key to the Early Solar System
Standort: VM 046

Schlagworte: ISM, NEBCONS, STARDUST, SUNOCONS, anomaly, chemical analysis, chemistry, cosmic dust, early solar system, isotopic abundance, isotopic composition, meteorite, precondensed matter

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VM Sachbuch

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Gale, N. H.; Spooner, E. T. C.; Pot The lead and strontium isotope geochemistry of metalliferous sediments associated with Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic rocks
Standort: VG 293

Schlagworte: formation, geochemical analysis, isotopic composition, lead, marine sediments, metal content, origin, strontium

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VG Sachbuch

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Glass, B. P.; Burns, Christopher A. Late Eocene North American Microtektites and Clinopyroxene-Bearing Spherules
Standort: VI 308

Schlagworte: North American strewn field, North American tektite, element composition, geochemical analysis, impact origin, iridium anomaly, isotopic composition, microtektite, spherule

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VI Sachbuch

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Hildebrand, Alan R.; Penfield, Glen Chicxulub Crater: A possible Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary impact crater on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Standort: VI 118

Schlagworte: Chicxulub Crater, K, T boundary, breccia, crater structure, ejecta blanket, geophysical studies, greenhouse heating, isotopic composition, petrology, shock metamorphism

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VI Sachbuch

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Ireland, T. R.; Wlotzka, F. The oldest zircons in the solar system
Standort: VM 063

Schlagworte: Pb, Simmern, Th, U, Vaca Muerta, abundance, chemical analysis, dating, earth element, heavy rare, isotopic composition, meteoritic zircon

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VM Sachbuch

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Kempe, W.; Zähringer, J. K-Ar-Altersbestimmungen an Eisenmeteoriten - I, Die Isotopenzusammensetzung des primären Kaliums
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1966, Vol.30
Standort: VM 189

Schlagworte: age, isotopic composition, proton irradiation, solar system, stone meteorite

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VM Sonstiges

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Kirsten, T.; Horn, P.; Kiko, J. 39Ar- 40Ar dating and rare gas analysis of Apollo 16 rocks and soils
Standort: VP 023

Schlagworte: Apollo 16, breccia, dating, geochemical analysis, isotopic age, isotopic composition, lunar rock, rare gases

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VP Sachbuch

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Loeken, Th.; Scherer, P.; Weber, H. Noble Gases in Eighteen Stone Meteorites
Standort: VM 064

Schlagworte: 132Xe, 84Kr, Ar, He, Ne, chondrite, dating, exposure age, gas retention age, isotopic composition, noble gas, planetary gas, regolith breccia

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VM Sachbuch

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Ngo, Henry H.; Wasserburg, Gerald J Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of tektite material from Barbados and their relationship to North American tektites
Standort: VG 016

Schlagworte: Barbados, Eocene sediments, Nd isotope, North American tektite, Sr isotope, dating, extrapolation, isotopic composition, microtektite, origin, sediment accumulation rate, target material

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VG Sachbuch

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Olinger, Chad T.; Maurette, Michel; Neon measurements of individual Greenland sediment particles: proof of an extraterrestrial origin and comparison with ED
Standort: VM 036

Schlagworte: Greenland ice sheet, Ne, geochemical analysis, isotopic composition, micrometeorite, morphological signature, noble gas, origin of particles, parent body, sediment

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VM Sachbuch

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Rambaldi, Ermanno R.; Larimer, John The Shaw Chondrite, I. The Case of the Missing Metal
Standort: VM 019

Schlagworte: INAA, L chondrite, Shaw, element composition, geochemical analysis, isotopic composition, metal depletion, metamorphosis, meteorite, mineralogical analysis, partial melting process

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VM Sachbuch

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Recca, S. I.; Scott, E. R. D.; Keil Ragland, an LL3.4 Chondrite from New Mexico
Meteoritics, Vol. 21, No. 2
Standort: VM 427

Schlagworte: bulk composition, olivine, oxygene isotopic composition, thermoluminescence, weathering

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VM Sonstiges

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Schidlowski, Manfred Carbon Isotope Discrepancy Between Precambrian Stromatolites and their Modern Analogs: Inferences from Hypersaline Micro
Standort: VG 296

Schlagworte: Precambrian, carbon isotopes, fossil record, fractionation, geochemical analysis, isotopic composition, origin

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VG Sachbuch

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Schnetzler, C. C.; Philpotts, John Rubidium-strontium correlation study of moldavites and Ries Crater material
Standort: VR 048

Schlagworte: Ries Crater, Sr isotope, chemical analysis, fractionation, isochron analysis, isotopic composition, moldavite, parental material, rubidium, strontium

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VR Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Scott, Edward R. D. Isotopic anomalies in meteorites
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 297
Standort: VM 448

Schlagworte: aggregates, dust, isotopic composition, minerals, oxygen, radioactivity

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Shaw, H. F. ; Wasserburg, G. J. Age and provenance of the target materials for tektites and possible impactites as inferred from Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr systema
Standort: VI 038

Schlagworte: Australite, Irghizite, Ivory Coast tektite, Moldavite, Nd, North American tektite, Rb, Sm, Sr, chemical analysis, chemical composition, dating, impactite, isotopic composition, parent sediment, physical analysis, target material, tektite, trace element

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VI Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R. Lake Toba, Sumatra, and the Origin of Tektites
Standort: VG 026

Schlagworte: Lake Toba, chemical composition, chemical differences, isotopic composition, origin, structure, tektite, tuff, volcanic material

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Veizer, Ján; Compston, William 87Sr/86Sr composition of seawater during the Phanerozoic
Standort: VG 287

Schlagworte: carbonate rock, erosion, fossil record, geochemical analysis, isotopic composition, strontium, variations

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VG Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Zähringer, J. Primordial Argon and the Metamorphism of Chondrites
Reprinted from Earth and Planetary Science Letters, volume 1, number 6
Standort: VM 507

Schlagworte: carbonaceous enstatite, gas content, isotopic composition, metamorphism, mineralogy

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Zähringer, J. Primordial rare gases in stone meteorites and extinct radioactivities
Conference on Fission and Spallation Phenomena and their Application to Cosmic Rays, September 26 - 29, 1961, No. 51
Standort: VM 462

Schlagworte: Staroe Pesjanoe achondrite, enstatite chondrite, isotopic composition, xenon

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VM Sonstiges

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