
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 8 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Taylor, S. R. Australites, Henbury impact glass and subgreywacke: a comparison of the abundances of 51 elements
Standort: VG 024

Schlagworte: Australite, Henbury, chemical composition, geochemical analysis, impact glass, origin, parental material, subgreywacke, tektite

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VG Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R. Chondritic Earth Model
Reprinted from Nature, Vol. 202, No. 4929
Standort: VM 477

Schlagworte: alkali elements, carbonaceous chondrite, continental crust, element abundance, oceanic crust

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VM Sonstiges

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Taylor, S. R. Cutting the Gordian Knot: Lunar Compositions and Mars-Sized Impactors
Standort: VP 051

Schlagworte: collision, composition, evolution, hypothesis, impactor, moon

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VP Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R. Distillation of Alkali Elements during Formation of Australite Flanges
Standort: VI 230

Schlagworte: Australite, composition, formation, geochemical analysis, origin, tektite

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VI Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R. Lake Toba, Sumatra, and the Origin of Tektites
Standort: VG 026

Schlagworte: Lake Toba, chemical composition, chemical differences, isotopic composition, origin, structure, tektite, tuff, volcanic material

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VG Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R.; Kaye, Maureen Genetic significance of the chemical composition of tektites: A review
Standort: VG 008

Schlagworte: abundance, chemical composition, genetic interpretation, geochemical analysis, impact glass, origin, parental material, review, tektite, terrestrial sandstone, trace element

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VG Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R.; McLennan, S. M. Author's Reply
Standort: VI 290

Schlagworte: Irghizite, Zhamansin crater, discussion, glass, meteorite impact, origin, tektite

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VI Sachbuch

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Taylor, S. R.; McLennan, S. M. Chemical relationships among irghizites, zhamanshinites, Australasian tektites and Henbury impact glasses
Standort: VI 285

Schlagworte: Irghizite, chemical composition, comparative study, geochemical analysis, impact glass, source material, terrestrial origin

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VI Sachbuch

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