
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 13 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

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Kurat, Gero Geochemistry of Chondrules: Fractionation processes in the early Solar System
Proceedings of the 27th International Geological Congress, Volume 11
Standort: VM 248

Schlagworte: alkali fractionation, melting, metal, silicate fractionation, solar system, vapor fractionation, volatiles

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Kurat, Gero Impact Origin of Chondrules
Conferece on Chondrules and their Origins
Standort: VM 251

Schlagworte: chemical composition, collision, meteorite, microbreccia, parent body, regolith origin

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Kurat, Gero; Brandstätter, Franz Meteorite ALHA 81005: A Lunar Highland Breccia
Lunar Planet. Science XIV
Standort: VM 243

Schlagworte: breccia, composition, glass, melt, metabreccia, rock

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Kurat, Gero; Brandstätter, Franz Meteorite ALHA81005: Petrology of a New Lunar Highland Sample
Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 10, No. 9
Standort: VM 244

Schlagworte: chondrules, compacted, glass, melt, mineral, regolith breccia, rock, shock

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Kurat, Gero; Hoinkes, Georg; Fredri Zoned Ca-Al-Rich Chondrule in Bali: New Evidence against Primordial Condesation Model
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 26
Standort: VM 246

Schlagworte: chondrule, distribution, enriched, impact, primitive condensation, volatile element

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Kurat, Gero; Keil, Klaus Effects of Vaporization and Condensation on Apollo 11 Glass Spherules: Implications for Cooling Rates
Standort: VP 053

Schlagworte: Apollo 11, breccia, chemical analysis, concentration gradient, condensation, cooling rates, glass spherules, vaporization, volatiles

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VP Sachbuch

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Kurat, Gero; Keil, Klaus; Prinz, Ma Chondrules of lunar origin
Standort: VM 050

Schlagworte: ANT composition, Apollo 14, KREEP, basaltic chondrules, bulk composition, chondrules, cooling rates, crystallization, electron microprobe analysis, formation, glass spherules, impact, lunar breccia, lunar sample, melting, microscopic analysis, mineral composition

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VM Sachbuch

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Kurat, Gero; Keil, Klaus; Prinz, Ma Rock 14318: a polymict lunar breccia with chondritic texture
Standort: VP 112

Schlagworte: chondrules, glass spherules, lithic fragment, matrix, microbreccia

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kurat, Gero; Kracher, Alfred Basalts in the Lancé Carbonaceous Chondrite
Z. Naturforsch. 35a
Standort: VM 245

Schlagworte: basaltic parentage, enstatite, igneous origin, lithic fragment, mineral composition

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kurat, Gero; Kracher, Alfred Lunar microbreccias: Records of old mare fillings
Standort: VP 128

Schlagworte: basalt, glass, impact, lithic fragment, lunar soil

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Kurat, Gero; Kracher, Alfred Magnesian feldspathic basalts and KREEP frrom Luna 24 core sample 24114
Pergamon Press, New York (1981)
Standort: VP 120

Schlagworte: KREEP, bulk chemistry, fragments, lithic fragment, magnesian olivines, microbreccia, olivin, pyroxene, spinel

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Kurat, Gero; Pabst, Lisa Katalog der Meteoriten - Präparatesammlung der Mineralogisch - Petrographischen Abteilung des Naturhistorischen Museums
Standort: VM 257

Schlagworte: Achondrit, Chondrit, Eisenmeteorit, Lodranit, Messosiderite, Pallasit, Pseudometeorit, Siderophyr, Tektite, unklassifizierte Schliffe

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kurat, Gero; Pernicka, Ernst; Herrw Chondrules from Chainpur (LL-3): reduced parent rocks and vapor fractination
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 68
Standort: VM 247

Schlagworte: bulk lithophile element, mineral chemistry, oxidizing condition, refractory group, volatile element

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