
Ergebnis Ihrer Suche sind 16 Treffer (sortiert nach Autor, Titel):

Autor Titel
Syste­matik Medium
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Alvarez, Luis W. Mass extinctions caused by large bolide impacts
Standort: VI 186

Schlagworte: clay layer, collision, impact, impact mechanics, solar system, terrestrial extinction

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Anders, Edward Age and Origin of Meteorites
Nation Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
Standort: VM 094

Schlagworte: Asteroid, Chondrit, Mars, asteroid belt, brecciation, collision, high, moon, orbital elements, radioactive decay, radioactivity, velocity

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kipp, M. E.; Melosh, H. J. Origin of the Moon: A Preliminary Numerical Study of Colliding Planets
Standort: VP 045

Schlagworte: Planet, collision, computer calculation, ejection, moon, numerical simulation, origin, physical mechanisms

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VP Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Kurat, Gero Impact Origin of Chondrules
Conferece on Chondrules and their Origins
Standort: VM 251

Schlagworte: chemical composition, collision, meteorite, microbreccia, parent body, regolith origin

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Lusby, David; Scott, Edward R. D. Ubiquitous High-FeO Silicates in Enstatite Chondrites
Proceedings of the 17. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference Part 2, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, No. B4
Standort: VM 263

Schlagworte: collision, crystallization, electron microprobe study, melting, nebula, parent body, silicate

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Nininger, H. H. Condensation Globules At Meteor Crater
Sciene, 113:755-756
Standort: VI 412

Schlagworte: Meteorit, Nickel, adjacent soil, collision, vapors

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VI Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Öpik, E. J. Armagh Observatory Leaflet, No. 39
Reprinted from The Irish Astronomical Journal, Vol. 3, No. 7, September 1955
Standort: VM 401

Schlagworte: chemical constitution, collision, cooling, disruption, iron meteorite, silicate material

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VM Sonstiges

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Prof. Urey, H. C. Origin of Tektites
from Nature, No. 4740
Standort: VI 441

Schlagworte: Tektite, collision, melting

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VI Sonstiges

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Prof. Urey, Harold, C. Origin of Tektites
reprinted form Nature, vol 182,
Standort: VI 446

Schlagworte: chemical composition, collision, gas, high pressure, high temperature, sedimentary rock

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VI Sonstiges

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Rubin, Alan E.; Keil, Klaus Size-Distributions of Chondrule Types in the Inman and Allan Hills A77011, L3 Chondrites
Meteoritics, Vol. 19, No. 3
Standort: VM 420

Schlagworte: collision, cryptocrystalline chondrule, dustball, formation, olivine, pyroxene

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Rubin, Alan E.; Rehfeldt, Angeline; Fragmental Breccias and the Collisional Evolution of Ordinary Chondrite Parent Bodies
Meteoritics, Vol. 18, No. 3
Standort: VM 421

Schlagworte: H chondrite, L chondrite, LL chondrite, breccia metamorphism, collision, gas, melt, poor, rock

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Rubin, Alan E.; Scott, Edward R. D. Microchondrule-bearing clast in the Piancaldoli LL3 meteorite: a new kind of type 3 chondrite and its relevance to the h
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 46
Standort: VM 417

Schlagworte: FeO, clast containing, collision, nebula, regolith breccia, silicate matrix, type 3

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VM Sonstiges

Ja, ist verfügbar.

In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Taylor, G. Jeffrey; Scott, Edward R Cosmic Settings for Chondrule Formation, Chondrules and their Origins
Standort: VM 476

Schlagworte: breccia, collision, hypervelocity, igneous process, impact, parent body

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VM Sonstiges

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Taylor, S. R. Cutting the Gordian Knot: Lunar Compositions and Mars-Sized Impactors
Standort: VP 051

Schlagworte: collision, composition, evolution, hypothesis, impactor, moon

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VP Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Toon, O. B. Sudden Changes in Atmospheric Composition and Climate
Standort: VI 187

Schlagworte: atmospheric composition, calculation, climate change, collision, cosmic dust, energy partitioning, impact theory, volcanism

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VI Sachbuch

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In Merkzettel aufnehmen...
Urey, Harald, C. Chemical Composition of Tektites
reprinted from Nature, Vol. 183, p. 1114 only, April 18, 1959
Standort: VI 443

Schlagworte: collision, fused sediments, granites, melting, sedimentary target

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VI Sonstiges

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